DIY Interchangeable Layered Doormat Tutorial
This DIY interchangeable layered doormat is SO easy to make. Now you won’t have to keep buying a new rug for each season. Just change out the fabric on your mat and you’re all set. Easy and cost effective!

Layered Doormat on a Budget
Who here loves the look of the look of layered doormats but not the cost of changing them up each season? If you are like me, I hate spending unnecessary money.
If you want to save some money but still have a cute, double layered, interchangeable, door mat for every season then look no further. I’ll show you how to make your own layered mat look for your front porch without breaking the bank! This is a super simple DIY.
Supplies Needed to Make this DIY Interchangeable Layered Doormat
- Two doormats in the sizes you want. (Mine are 24 in X 36 in and 18in X 30in)
- Material for wrapping your big mat (My secret to keeping this low cost is using a tablecloth but you can use outdoor fabric as well.)
- Scissors
- Big Safety Pins
- Dr. Pepper (Okay, not really, but it certainly helped me!)
Sounds Easy Enough Right?
Before I get started on what to do, I wanted to talk about how to keep this as cheap as possible. I was looking at fabric at Walmart. Mainly, the outdoor fabric because it is water resistant and won’t fade as quick in the sun. It’s also thick to withstand people stepping on it.
Outdoor fabric can be expensive though. Remember how I said we were doing this for cheap? While at Walmart I noticed the reusable plastic tablecloths. A lightbulb went off.
Table clothes are water resistant but still look like fabric. And, they are CHEAP! I got mine for under $4! Plus they always have seasonal ones. The Dollar Tree would be another place to find holiday vinyl tablecloths for cheap.
I was so happy when I realized this would work great as an alternative to the fabric. You can use either but I’m telling you the tablecloth is the key to keeping this very low cost.
How to Make an Interchangeable Doormat
First, I laid my tablecloth out on the ground and put the mat on top of it. The nice thing about the tablecloth I choose is it has lines in the pattern so I was able to use the lines as a guide for where to cut.
You want to have a few inches on each side because we are going to wrap the fabric around the mat. Also, you need to place the tablecloth upside down on the ground. Remember we are going to be wrapping it so the pattern side will be what you see.
You are going to want to cut the side of the table cloth so that it is at least 6 inches passed the doormat in every direction. Because I had a striped doormat, it was perfect for making sure I was cutting straight and even. When you cut the sides it should look something like this.
Next, we are going to be folding sides over. Fold one side over and then take the corner of the other side and fold it into a triangle like this
Once you have done that you will fold that side over and then take one of those safety pins and pin the corner down. You want to be sure that the pin goes all the way through each layer to insure it is secured.
Now, do the same thing for each corner that’s left. It’s like wrapping a present. You can get the fabric pretty tight, however, if you want it to be tighter you could use a hot glue gun to glue it down as you are wrapping it. I did not do this because I want it to be super easy to change out for my next season.
Aaaaaaaaaaand you are done! Really, it is that simple folks.
How to Layer Your DIY Doormat
Take your big, newly covered mat and place it on your porch. Then take your smaller one and center it on top of the DIY one. There you go! A new, multilayered, interchangeable doormat that is cost effective and cute.
I chose a plain brown mat so I can use it for every season but you can find one with words on it. Something simple like, Hello! would be good for year round or you can go with seasonal sayings. Seasonal doormats need to be switched out though and that makes the cost go up and you have to store the mats when not in use so keep that in mind.
Here are a couple cute, neutral door mats that would look good with your DIY Interchangeable Layered Doormat:
Imagine all of the possibilities. So many color combinations and patterns you can do. At our house we love the doormats that are sarcastic or tell you to go away. I’m sure you got that already based off of my sassy front door wreath and the vinyl sticker on my door.
We get so many compliments on everything from strangers. Unfortunately, nothing seems to work because they still knock on our door. haha
What do you think? Do you like the layered doormat look? Will make your own interchangeable one this year? Let us know in the comments below!