Sunshine Blogger Award
Hey ya’ll! Less than 3 months in and We Three Shanes has received an award! I know, we were a bit shocked too. We’re excited to share what the award is all about with you so keep reading below to find out more and the awesome bloggers we’re passing it along to.
As newbies in the blogging world it has been fun, not just connecting with our readers, but also with other bloggers. It’s amazing to have such a strong community of bloggers that give each other support and lift each other up; we have found so many amazing blogs that we aspire to emulate.
It’s exciting to announce that we have been nominated for The Sunshine Blogger Award by one of our new blogging friends, Dianne. She runs the blog, Wahm Cafe as a support and motivational resource for aspiring work-at-home moms to create a profitable blog and online business. She has been helping moms achieve their dream of starting websites and blogs, developing an online presence, and helping them make money from home. If you’ve ever thought of starting an online business or blog, you should absolutely check out her site. Thanks so much for the nomination, Dianne!
On to the Award
The Sunshine Blogger Award is awarded by bloggers to bloggers. Bloggers chosen are ones that inspire others to be positive and creative in the world of blogging.
Rules for the Award
- Thank the blogger(s) who nominated you in the blog post and link back to their blog.
- Answer the 11 questions the blogger asked you.
- Nominate 11 new blogs to receive the award and write 11 new questions.
- List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award.
11 Questions from Dianne
1. What is the hardest part about blogging?
Kristy – Wanting more time to just spend blogging
Katie – The hardest part of blogging is time management! It also makes it hard running a blog with your two sisters who both live in other states.
Kim– I completely agree with Katie and Kristy so I’ll add: not having the time to share everything I want to share with our readers. If I had the time I’d have a new post everyday.
2. What do you do to relax?
Kristy – Watch a favorite show with my feet up after being on them all day at work.
Katie – Naps! Haha Also, I love music and running.
Kim – Watch something with the family or read a book.
3. What is your favorite TV series?
Kristy – Of all time? Friends
Katie – I love so many! But I love Psych! Best. Show. Ever.
Kim – Veronica Mars
4. If you could take a trip to anywhere, where would you go?
Kristy – I would take my son to Japan
Katie – I would love to go to Europe. That would be amazing.
Kim – I’ve always wanted to go to Greece.
5. What is something you’re looking forward to?
Kristy – Growing our blog…and warmer weather
Katie – ??? ( Katie has absolutely nothing to look forward to in life. Not even an up coming visit with her sisters).
Kim – My husband graduating this year with his PhD. It has been a brutal 8 years! If any of you or your spouses are currently in graduate school, I pray for you!!!
6. Name one thing you love about yourself.
Kristy – I love that I am a determined/hard worker.
Katie – I love that I allow myself to be me. I try not to follow trends. I try to do ME!
Kim – I can keep an opened mind about almost anything.
7. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
Kristy – Done helping my kids survive until adulthood and I’d like to travel with my family more.
Katie – Oh man, that is tricky. Right now I’m just trying to get through THIS year.
Kim – I’d love to buy a home and stay put! We’ve moved 6 times in the last 7 years. Then after we’ve settled down, travel everywhere!
8. What brings you joy?
Kristy – Decorating, and shopping for decor, and then figuring out where to place it. Spending a fun day with my family. Spending a day at the beach.
Katie – Dr. Pepper. Music. Family & friends
Kim – FOOD! I love good food, trying new food and new restaurants, talking about food, cooking food, looking at photos of food on Pinterest.
9. What is your ultimate goal for your blog?
Kristy – To write a blog that makes a reader excited when they see there’s a new post
Katie – Really the goal is to have a good following who we can inspire and uplift
Kim – Help our readers create a life they love. If we can do that we’ll have a blog we love!
10. What is one thing you want to do or learn in 2018?
Kristy – Expand our blog to YouTube
Katie – I am thinking about learning a musical instrument
Kim – To be a better blogger and learn more about the business side of things.
11. If you could meet any celebrity, who would it be, and why?
Kristy – Hugh Jackman because he’s awesome (duh!), but I think he would be so fun to hang out with.
Katie – That’s a tricky one. Jennifer Garner or Kristen Bell.
Kim – Kristen Bell for sure. Katie needs to keep her hands off my woman!
And Now for Our Nominees
The Frugal Sisters – How could we not start the list off with some other sisters, especially when the second sister is also a Kim. Crystal & Kim have a lifestyle blog that focuses on recipes, DIY, frugal living, and party planning.
Sugar Bananas – Sarah is a great friend of Katie’s who has been blogging for years. Her site, Sugar Bananas, is full of amazing recipes, meal prep 101, and all sorts of cute crafts, tips and ideas for the home.
Mom Blog From Home – We have gotten to know Vanessa better after she featured us on her blog. You can check that out HERE. Vanessa writes about starting a blog. She shares great blogging resources and let’s you know what has worked for her.
Something Splendiferous – Lindsay is the voice behind Something Splendiferous. She’s a mom, teacher, and blogger, so you won’t be surprised to find out that she blogs about being a mom, a teacher and a blogger. Her blog is full of fun ideas for kids and helpful tips for moms, teachers and bloggers.
Sweet P’s Dream – Priscilla, over at Sweet P’s Dream, is a newer blogger just like us! She shares recipes and parenting tips.
Mama Runs Hard – Erin created Momma Runs Hard to help you balance your running life with parenting and to encourage and inspire you in your running journey while raising a family.
Housewives in the City/Colorado Springs – Elise is the Colorado Springs Housewife in the City! She shares about things to do in Colorado Springs and local businesses she loves from the area. She also has recipes, DIYs, mom moments, and lots more. There are plenty of things to check out even is you’re not in Colorado Springs. Plus you can find Housewives in your area from her blog.
Hello, Conchita – Conchita is someone who wants to inspire many people in life, fashion, and confidence.
Beehive Homeschool – Julie and Tresa decided to create a blog together where they could offer a bird’s-eye view of their homeschooling adventures, successes and learning curves. You’ll get to see what a typical homeschool day is like for them, what projects they’re working on, what field trips they’ve been on, and how the kids are growing and developing.
Tiny Human Newbie – Lena is a new mom who uses her blog to help other mamas (and dads) see that everyone has a learning curve as a newbie parent of tiny humans. Her blog is a place where newbie parents can ask questions, share ideas and build each other up! Who doesn’t need that as a new parent?
11 Questions We Have For You
- What do you enjoy most about blogging?
- We LOVE movies so we gotta know – What’s your favorite movie?
- It’s Friday night, what are you most likely doing?
- How long have you been blogging?
- What’s your least favorite chore it do?
- If you could only listen to one CD for the rest of your life, what would it be?
- Are you an early bird or a night owl?
- How did you choose the name of your blog?
- What’s your go-to snack?
- What TV shows are you currently binge watching?
- You’ve just won a million dollars but can only buy things that start with the first letter of your blog. What do you buy?
Nominees, we’d love for you to drop the link to your Sunshine Blogger Award Post in the comments once you’ve had a chance to answer the questions. We want to read what you had to say and who your nominees are. Thanks for playing along with us.
Thanks again for the nomination Dianne! We had a lot of fun answering the questions and coming up with our own. If you had fun reading our post and want to answer some or all of the questions, feel free to leave your answers in the comments. We’d love to get to know our readers more! Don’t forget to check out the bloggers we’ve nominated.
Have fun and support other bloggers!