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Homemade Shaving Cream Recipe

Did you know it’s super easy to make your own natural shaving cream? Homemade Shaving Cream will leave your legs so silky & smooth you’ll be wondering why you didn’t try it sooner. Say bye-bye to razor burn, ingrown hair, and dry itchy legs & hello to gorgeous, touchable legs!


Did you know it's super easy to make your own natural shaving cream? Homemade Shaving Cream will leave your legs so silky & smooth you'll be wondering why you didn't try it sooner. Say bye-bye to razor burn, ingrown hair, and dry itchy legs & hello to gorgeous, touchable legs! | We Three Shanes

Homemade Shaving Cream for Silky, Smooth Legs

Who here loves shaving their legs?  In case you are wondering, my hand is NOT in the air.  I absolutely hate shaving.  I do however, love how my legs feel afterwards. 

Also, I am really bad at putting on lotion. My skin doesn’t absorb it well and so my legs end up staying wet and then it makes me sweaty.  Super gross.  So it is hard for me to achieve that super smooth, soft leg most people get after a good shave.  

If you have the same problem as me, never fear!  For I have a solution for you that takes shaving to a whole new level of smooth and silky.
DIY Shaving cream! Are you excited to try this?  I hope so because I’m excited for you. This is really easy to make so let’s get started!

How To Make DIY Whipped Shaving Cream/Oil

You’ll need to grab the ingredients for homemade shaving cream.

clear bowl full of creamy, white, thick homemade shaving cream.
  1. First, you are going to want to melt your coconut oil and shea butter in a sauce pan or double boiler on a low setting until completely melted.
  2. Add in oil and stir until combined and take off of heat.
  3. Next, you need to transfer your mixture into a medium sized bowl and place in the fridge until it becomes solid.
  4. Once it is sold, remove from the fridge and whip!  This part is SO fun. use a hand or stand mixer…Scrap the sides as you go.  Whip until it is fluffy which can take any where from 3 to 5 minutes. 
  5. Now add the castile soap or conditioner, which ever you are using, and whip until it is all combined. 
  6. Scoop into a glass jar or another air tight container and store in a dry, cool place.  I live in Texas and even with the air conditioning going it is humid and hot.  I keep mine in the fridge for this reason.  When I am ready to shave my legs, I take two scoops out and place them in a small plastic container to take into the bathroom with me.  

Tips for Using Homemade Shaving Cream

  • I call this homemade shaving cream because it looks like shaving cream when it is done.  But in reality it is more of a shaving oil.  As soon as it hits your skin it melts and coats your legs like an oil.  Because of this, it is very slippery.

I would not recommend using it in the shower unless you have a seat in it.  You do not want to make the tile slippery and fall.  I have been sitting on the edge of my bathtub before I hop in the shower and shaving with the whipped shaving cream that way. Honestly, I love shaving this way because it saves water & to me it’s easier. 

  • This homemade shaving cream isn’t just for women. It’s great for men too! With Father’s Day coming up this would make a great DIY gift.
  • I have tried two different ways of shaving with this DIY shaving cream.  Because the mixture becomes clear on your legs, I was worried about not being able to tell where I had already shaved.  I have light hair that is not easy to see. 

First, I tried putting a little bit on at a time, shaving that area and then applying more.  This took awhile and let’s face it, I’m lazy!  The second leg I just covered my entire leg and went to town. 

This worked out much better for me but you decide what is right for you.  I can not even being to tell you how soft your legs are going to feel.  I was petting my own legs the whole rest of the day.  

  • If you leave take the whole container into the shower or bath with you, you want to be careful not to get water inside of it.  Water can cause it to spoil. 
  • I use about a spoonful on each leg.  After I am done shaving, I get in the shower and rinse off as usual.
  • You will notice the water beading up on your legs.  That’s because your legs have a wonderful layer of oils on it.  This is what makes your skin SO soft.  Just let it soak in while you shower and then towel dry as normal. 
  • You could add some essential oils in this to make it smell good if you would like.  Because I added conditioner, mine already had a light scent.  Use any essential oils that smell good. 

My favorite essential oils to add to my DIY shaving cream are tea tree and lavender oil because they smell great together and are great for skin.

If you are making this shaving cream for men then you can try cedarwood & clary sage, patchouli & sandalwood, or bergamot & wild orange

Homemade Shaving Cream will leave your legs so silky & smooth you'll be wondering why you didn't try it sooner. Only takes a couple of minutes to whip up!
Now you make some whipped shaving cream/oil for your own legs and get to work.  You and your significant other will NOT regret it! 

Let us know what you you think of this homemade shaving cream recipe once you try it out! We love to chat in the comments below!

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