The Many Benefits of Living a Simple Life
If you’ve ever felt overwhelmed by the length of your to-do list you might need to cut back on some things. Simple living has so many benefits, you’ll wonder why you didn’t try it sooner.
We live in a complex world, where we’re constantly bombarded with information and messages. We are always being pushed to buy more, do more, and be more. It’s easy to get caught up in the hustle of life today.
But all that pushing leads to stress and overwhelm. I don’t know about you but I’m not my best self when I’m stressed out and overwhelmed.
We don’t need to fill every hour of the day with school, work, household tasks, social events, extra curriculars and more. One of the best things you can do when you’re overly busy is to cut back and simplify life.
When you’re not bogged down by unnecessary possessions and obligations, you have more time to focus on the things that are important to you. You’re also less likely to feel overwhelmed by your responsibilities and more able to enjoy life’s simple pleasures.
What is Simple Living?
Simple living is a lifestyle that often includes cutting back on unnecessary things and living a more intentional life. A life driven by what’s most important to you – not by possessions or status.
Our lives are often consumed with “stuff”, which can make it difficult to live simply. But when we declutter our lives, we can focus on what really matters: relationships, health, happiness- the things that truly bring us joy.
The Benefits of Living Simply
Living a simple life can be a big change for a lot of people. Some of you might not be convinced it’s worth the effort.
Let’s go over some of the many benefits of living simply. As we do, think about your life and see if any of these benefits would be a help to you.
1. Living without excess reduces stress.
Streamlining your life helps you focus on what’s truly important, which can ease anxiety and reduce stress. We’re also less stressed-out and anxious because we aren’t dwelling on things that don’t matter or spending time on things that are beyond our control.
You don’t need to own the biggest house on the block or drive the fanciest car. You don’t have to keep up with the Kardashians.
You also aren’t trying to fit too many things onto your schedule. Over scheduling is a huge problem these days and is a massive source of stress. Especially for moms.
When you live simply, you cut out those things that aren’t necessary. This gives you more time to focus on what’s really important to you and those things are always less stressful.
2. Living simply can lead to a healthier life.
When your life is full of clutter and chaos, it can take a toll on your mental and physical health. When we embrace simple living, we’re able to think more clearly and make better decisions.
I know too many people who eat junk all day because they don’t have time to sit down and eat a healthy meal. Or they are so tired at the end of the day that they grab fast food on the way home because they are too tired to cook the food that’s at home.
We talked about stress a little before but there are a number of health problems that stress can lead to. Like:
- Heart disease
- High blood pressure
- Irritable Bowl Syndrome (IBS)
- High Blood Pressure
- Tension Headaches
- Jaw pain & wearing down teeth from clenching & grinding
- Weakened immune system
- Insomnia
- Depression
- Obesity
The best thing you can do for your health is take care of yourself, and that starts with simplifying your life. Find time to go on walks. Spend time with people you enjoy and make you laugh. Find time to cook healthy meals. Prioritize that good. Cut back on the bad.
Needs some easy self-care ideas you can do at home? We’ve got a full list of ideas you can do today!
3. You have less stuff to maintain/clean/worry about!
When you own less stuff, you have less to clean up and put away. When you have a smaller house you don’t have extra rooms to fill with stuff or keep clean.
There’s less of a need to buy cleaning products or worry about your housekeeping. You also have fewer things that need regular upkeep and maintenance.
4. Living simply gives you more time for what’s important.
When we have less things in our life, we become more aware of the fact that material objects are just that—objects. They aren’t the things that matter most to living a fulfilling life.
By bringing awareness to this fact, you can prioritize what truly brings you joy and satisfaction in your everyday life. You can spend time with loved ones or pursuing hobbies or developing your talents—whatever it is that brings you joy.
5. Living without excess saves you money.
People often go into debt to afford a certain lifestyle. When you aren’t trying to buy the shiniest new things, you can work less and stop stressing about money.
No more living pay check to pay check or racking up those credit cards. No more sleepless nights wondering how you’re going to pay for everything.
Reducing the things you own means reducing your bills and having more cash to spend on experiences instead of things. Or, saving for a rainy day.
You learn to live within your means. Then when an emergency pops up you’re in a better place to be able to handle it.
6. Living simply can lead to other rewarding experiences.
When you live more simply, you have the time and money to do things that may not be possible when you’re bogged down by bills, expenses and other responsibilities. You start to look for experiences instead of physical items to purchase.
A recent study at The University of Texas at Austin found, “Consumers are happier when they spend their money on experiential purchases versus material ones.” You can read more about the studies findings, here.
Taking time for yourself to travel and explore new things teaches you about the world around you.
7. Living simply teaches us the value of gratitude, leading to greater happiness.
By focusing on what brings us joy, we can appreciate the small things in life, which leads to an overall happier lifestyle. Plenty of studies have been done that show gratitude improves a persons well-being.
Living simply teaches us to be more generous and charitable. When you’ve learned to find satisfaction within yourself and your own life, you are better able to open up your heart and mind to help others.
8. You feel more connected to the world around you — not distracted by it.
When you live more simply, you are able to live more mindfully of how your actions affect not only yourself but others. You focus on the present moment and take time to breathe deeply, to appreciate nature and life around you.
9. Living simply can create a smaller foot print on the earth.
Living simply is not only good for your soul, but it’s also good for the environment. Living simply, often means living with less. Living with less means consuming fewer resources which can have a significant impact on the environment.
This is more important than ever in our modern age. When you strip away the excess and focus on what’s truly important, you’re able to live a more content and happier life while leaving a smaller ecological footprint.
The Beauty of a Simple Life
Living a simple life has many benefits, including reducing stress, improving mental health, and increasing productivity. When you’re not bogged down by unnecessary possessions and obligations, you have more time to focus on the things that have more meaning.
You’re also less likely to feel overwhelmed by your responsibilities and more able to enjoy life’s simple pleasures. Living simply can also improve your relationships with others, as you’ll have more time for meaningful conversations and activities.
Finally, living a simple life can help reduce your environmental impact and make you happier in the process!
Are there any benefits to simplifying your life that we missed? How has living more simply changed your life for the better? Please share in comments!