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Lily and Fox Review: Are They Better Than Color Street?

Not only will you get my honest review of Lily and Fox Nail Polish Wraps, I will also compare them to Color Street to see who comes out on top. Is Lily and Fox a great Color Street Alternative? Keep reading to find out!

Lily and Fox blue glitter nail strips


Lily and Fox Review: Are They Better than Color Street

Lily and Fox is a nail strip company that’s giving Color Street a run for their money. Today, I’m sharing all the pros and cons in this Lily and Fox review so you can decide if their nail wraps are something you’d like to try.

Some people will definitely choose Lily and Fox over Color Street and some won’t. So let’s get into all the details below and see which one you might be.

Not only will you get my honest review of Lily and Fox Nail Polish Wraps, I will also compare them to Color Street to see who comes out on top. Is Lily and Fox a great Color Street Alternative? Click the link to find out! | We Three Shanes

Lily and Fox Review

I heard about Lily & Fox from someone on Pinterest. They left a comment on one of the pins that leads to our Color Street post saying that Lily & Fox was better than Color Street nails. I try my best to follow up on all comments so I told them I’d check them out and now, here we are.

I tried two different sets from Lily and Fox a solid, neutral color and a glitter design. I know Color Street’s glitter designs always last longer for me so I really wanted to compare the two glitters.

Not only will you get my honest review of Lily and Fox Nail Polish Wraps, I will also compare them to Color Street to see who comes out on top. Is Lily and Fox a great Color Street Alternative? Keep reading to find out! | We Three Shanes

Now that I’ve tried out Lily & Fox, I’m ready to share my honest review with all of you. I’ll tell you all about Lily and Fox and compare their nail strips to Color Street’s. We’ll see who comes out on top.

Lily and Fox vs Color Street

Color Street seems like the top dog of nail polish strips. They are the first to come out with a much easier application process while still keeping manicures and pedicures lasting for 10-14 days. They really changed the game of nail polish strips.

But just because they were the first, doesn’t necessarily make them the best. More and more companies are coming out with their own nail wraps. Today, we’ll be comparing newer company, Lily and Fox to Color Street.

Lily and Fox

Lily and Fox doesn’t share much info on their site when it comes to the company itself. They talk about wanting to find a better way to get salon quality nails at home with out the time waste, poking and prodding, and dollars spent at a nail salon.

I did email the company and found out some more info. Lily and Fox was started in 2018. There are parts from around the world that go into making their nail wraps but everything ends up in Australia for final processing. They have an office and warehouse in Perth, Western Australia and another warehouse in Elk Grove, Illinois.

Lily and Fox nails are 100% vegan, non-toxic and cruelty free! They are 10 free which means they don’t include the ten most toxic ingredients that are found in nail polish. You won’t find dibutyl phthalate, TPHP, toluene, xylene, ethyl tosylamide, camphor, formaldehyde, formaldehyde resin, parabens, and tert-butyl hydroperoxide in Lily and Fox nails which I think is pretty amazing.

Color Street

Color Street was created by Fa Park when he saw a woman struggling to polish her nails in a NYC taxi in 1984. He started working on finding the right formula for a real nail polish strip and eventually came out with Color Street, Incoco, and Coconut.

Incoco headquarters is in Clifton, New Jersey and it’s where Color Street and its sister companies are manufactured. All products are made in the USA which means a lot to Park because this is where he made his “American dream a reality”. You can read all about the company on their website.

Lily and Fox Pricing is Way Better

Let’s start with a pricing comparison. This is where Lily and Fox really shines. As of right now nail strips are only $2.99 for a set of 16. For reals!

It’s written as a sales price. The actual price is listed at $9.99 which is still better than Color Street prices. Plus, they have free shipping.

The thing is though, Lily and Fox nail wraps have been at that sale price of $2.99 for ever. They’ve never not used that sales price. Will they eventually stop using the promotional price? I can’t say. But for now, take advantage of that price because it’s amazing!

Check out the photo below to see what comes with your order. How cute is everything?! You don’t get alcohol wipes like you do with Color Street, but you do get a cuticle pusher which is really helpful when applying the nail wraps.

Lily and Fox comes in the cutest packaging. They really go the extra mile in customer care.

They also gave me an old Christmas set to practice with which is super awesome. I’m not sure if they do this for all first time buyers but it was a nice surprise for me.

The nails themselves come in a foil packaging. It’s not possible to seal them up again but because of the nail ingredients, you can use any extras again without them drying out. That’s a nice bonus. Color Street nail strips will dry out if you don’t do a whole song and dance to reseal them and even then it’s not guaranteed.

Color Street nail strips range in price from $11 – 14 for 16 nail strips and shipping is a flat rate of $3. They do have some deals that drop the prices.

Buy three get one free for colors, glitters, and nail art designs makes prices closer to $8.25 – 9.75. Buy one get one free for French manicures makes them $7 plus the $3 for shipping so if you plan ahead and buy more then you do get a better price. But it doesn’t compare to $2.99.

How to Purchase

Both Lily and Fox and Color Street have websites you can order from and get your nail wraps shipped to your home. You can’t buy either one in stores all though you can get Incoco and Coconut, Color Street’s sister companies, in some stores. Read more about them HERE!

Color Street does have the option of purchasing nails from a stylist. There are some benefits that come from this.

  • Support for a friend that is trying to earn some extra money for herself/family.
  • Stylist can have a good stock of nails at home which means you can sometimes avoid shipping cost when you buy from them. They can also have retired designs in their stash which means you can nab them when people ordering straight from the site can’t.
  • Stylist love to get the word out through parties. In home parties are always fun but not super safe right now but most stylist are great at hosting online parties and making it fun. Hosting an online Color Street party could be a great way to have fun with friends and family while social distancing. Plus, you can earn yourself some free nails.
  • If people keep complimenting you on your Color Street nails then you might make a good stylist which gets you discounts on nail strips and could turn into a good little side hustle for you.

None of this is possible with Lily and Fox. They only have purchasing through their website available.

Nail Strip Designs

Both Lily and Fox and Color Street have some great designs. Personally, I think Color Streets designs look a bit nicer and higher quality. Some of Lily and Fox designs look a little off to me. They just aren’t as crisp. It’s like there’s a slight blur to them.

This doesn’t happen on all their designs but I definitely see it in some, especially the holiday designs. I do think Lily and Fox nail designs are getting better though. When I first checked them out a couple of months ago, I only found a handful of designs I liked. Now, they have a lot more cute ones.

Both have holiday designs. Lily and Fox, however, has already sold out of their Halloween designs. Where as, Color Street, hasn’t even stocked theirs yet. I’m not sure if Lily and Fox will restock theirs. It seems like once they’re out of a design, that’s it. They’re done.

Color Street keeps the same nail designs for seasons. They let you know when they will retire a design so you have a chance to stock up on your favorites before they go away.

Lily and Fox, on the other hand, seems to rotate through designs on a regular basis. I loved the light grey set I got but by the time I got back on the site to think about reordering, they were gone. That’s a total bummer in my book. I want to know my favorite designs will be there so I can reorder them anytime I want.

Nail Strip Application Process

The application process between the two nail strips was very similar but Color Street is easier to apply.

Lily and Fox nail wraps go on really well and you can take them off and reposition them if you need to which is pretty helpful. But, the wraps are thicker and more plastic-y which makes them much harder to rip/pull away the excess polish strip you don’t need. You really need to file the extra away which is a bit harder to do. It does get easier with practice.

Lily and Fox nail polish strips are a bit stretchier which makes them go on the nail well but I think this contributes to a bubble problem I’ll talk about in the next section. This is also why most people have said they can only get one manicure out of each Lily and Fox set.

However, I did find a way to get a full manicure and pedicure from one set of Lily and Fox nail strips and still have some nail strips left over. Enough to get another pedicure or manicure for a younger daughter out of them.

$2.99 for a full mani/pedi plus another pedi is a crazy good deal.

Get a mani and pedi from one set of Lily and Fox nail strips for only $2.99.

Look and Feel

Again, I think the look and feel of both Color Street and Lily and Fox is similar. They both look great when first applied. Color Street nails do have a smoother feel though.

The Lily and Fox nail strips never feel completely dry. They have a sticky feeling to them that I don’t love.

Color Street nail strips last up to 2 weeks. I find the glitter polish has the best staying power. There is no wait time once your nails are on. You can immediately wash dishes or jump in the shower with no negative consequences.

Lily and Fox wants you to wait at least 6 hours before submerging your hands in hot water. I put my nail wraps on before bed so I don’t have to play a waiting game.

Lily and Fox also suggests using a base coat to help their nail strips adhere better to your nails and a top coat to make them last longer. Sally Hansen’s Mega Shine top coat is one they recommend.

This is a total negative in my opinion. I don’t like the idea of extra work but for $2.99 it could be worth the extra effort.

The first set of Lily and Fox nails I put on my bare nails and did not do a top coat. I don’t have to do that for Color Street nails and I wanted a real comparison.

Within a couple of days my nail polish wraps had started to bubble up and pull away from the edges. I think this is partially because of that stretch that happens when you first apply the nail strips.

It feels like they shrink back down which creates those bubbles and exposed tips.

Not only will you get my honest review of Lily and Fox Nail Polish Wraps, I will also compare them to Color Street to see who comes out on top. Is Lily and Fox a great Color Street Alternative? Keep reading to find out! | We Three Shanes

I had to remove the Lily and Fox nail wraps by the end of the week because they looked awful. If you stick to an application with no bottom or top coat then these nails will only last about 3 days.

(Update) From my interactions with the company, they seem like a helpful group who wants you to have the best experience when using their product. After seeing how my grey nail wraps bubbled up they got in touch with me to let me know that it wasn’t normal and I must have gotten a bad set. They no longer have that design so they had me pick two other ones to try out. They have sent me them free of charge.

They do offer a 100% guarantee so if you experience a similar problem or are unhappy with your nail polish strips in any way you should reach out to them. I plan on trying the new sets they send to see if I have a similar bubbling problem and will update this post again with my results.

Lily & Fox Glitter Set

The next set I tried from Lily and Fox was a glitter set because I wanted to see how they compared to Color Street’s glitter designs. For this set, I left my right hand top coat free but I applied a layer of fast dry top coat to the left hand to see if it helped.

The right hand bubbled up just like the first Lily and Fox set I tried, but it bubbled way less than the solid set. I think the glitter holds up better just like Color Street glitter does.

The side with the top coat never bubbled up. It lasted the two full weeks with the only noticeable wear being growth at the nail bed and a tiny bit of nail showing on the tips.

You can see there is a lot of nail showing on the set that didn’t have a top coat on. The bubbles are not as noticeable on the glitter nails but you can really see it on that thumb nail.

I’m still wearing the Lily and Fox glitters on my toes and it’s been over a month. Just like Color Street the pedicure last much longer than the manicure.

Nail Strip Removal

Even though Color Street is made from real nail polish, there are a couple of layers in there. Therefore, cheap, 99 cent nail polish remover doesn’t really cut it. I use the coconut scented ONYX professional nail polish remover and it works great and still comes in at a good price.

Lily and Fox nails has a protective layer built into their nails to prevent nail damage. Because of this layer, the nail wraps simply pull off of the nail with out the need of polish remover.

I was able to peel the nails right off. It does leave a bit of residue on the nails but that washes off with soap and warm water.

If you use a base coat or top coat then you will need to use a nail polish remover. I tried to see if Lily and Fox nail wraps would peel of with the top coat and it did but it damaged my nail so that’s not good. A good nail polish remover was easily able to remove the top coat and strip.

Do They Damage Nails?

There is some debate on whether or not Color Street ruins your nails. Some people’s nails crack and split after too much Color Street use. Other people don’t have a problem with them at all.

Like I said above, Lily and Fox nail polish strips are made with real nail polish but they have a backing on them that prevents nail damage. If your nails have been damaged by other nail strips you should definitely give Lily and Fox a try.

Want to save some money but still rock the perfect mani/pedi? Check out my review to see if Lily and Fox are a great Color Street alternative. | We Three Shanes

So Which Nail Strip is the Winner?

So, now that I’ve gone over all the pros and cons of Lily and Fox and compared them to Color Street, which one do I recommend?

With a price of $2.99, the winner for me is Lily and Fox. 🦊 While they do have some problems with their nail wraps, the price more than makes up for them.

I would much rather spend 3 bucks on a mani and pedi that I have to paint a top coat on. It’s a very small, extra effort and if you use a fast dry, top coat it’s dry in less than a minute.

The application is slightly more annoying than Color Street’s process but again the price makes up for that.

If Lily and Fox ever stops the $2.99 sale price and starts selling their nail wraps at the listed $9.99 then I would switch back to Color Street. The’ve got more designs that will stick around.

Their nail strips last longer on their own, no top coat needed. Plus, the application process is easier, even if only by a little bit.

Have you tried Lily and Fox nail wraps? We’d love to hear about your experience with them in the comments!

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  1. I absolutely love Lily & Fox {L&F}, and Color Street {CS} and the Incoco & CocoNut the much cheaper versions of CS. I’ve been wearing Color Street and joined up as a ‘stylist’ in August 2020. I currently have 329 sets in inventory! I kept seeing Lily & Fox on facebook and decided what the heck. July 2021, I ordered two sets @ $2.99/each with no shipping costs and received their complimentary set to practice. That’s a winner for me. I’ve continued to order a few sets from CS for my “I have to have that set” addiction but each set was $11 – $14 and recently went up to $12 – $15 plus shipping costs. Both brands last the same for me if I apply properly. I’ve always heard from experienced stylists & users to use a base coat and a top coat with CS even though it includes a base, color & top coat. I tuck under my nails and leave until the following morning to allow for the shrinkage as the nail polish sets. I never file off because who is looking under my nails? I find that filing ruins the lasting ability. After typing all day it wears the under part of in a more natural way {for me. I’ve used the same method with L&F and if I apply them correctly I get the same usage and length of mani from both. CS does rip and tear frequently but I’ve never had that with L&F. As far as bubbles I’ve only had that with the solid CS and they are horrible trying to apply, for me. I agree with another review above me that the last year the quality of CS has disintegrated and that disappoints me considering the recent increase in costs. L&F does have many similar sets to CS and has increased their color choices considerably since I started using them. I hope this comparison helps.

      1. I have tried both brands. I loved how thin and cute Lily & Fox were, at first. Sadly, they started pealing up on the tips. Some stayed better than others, but even with a clear top coat, this continued to happen. Perhaps an under coat will make a difference?
        They pealed off easily and did not damage my nails, but they didn’t even last a week.
        Color Street work great! They are thicker, so they don’t really tear. (I tore a L&F during application).
        I have gotten them to last over 3 weeks by applying a top coat ever couple of days.
        They can are more difficult to remove, but after all that time, they do peal off without using a harsh remover. My nails are a bit damage and will usually Crack and break once removed. They are totally protected while the wraps are on my nails.
        I was sad when I went to reapply color street wraps that I had opened before. I taped the package closed, but the wraps were brittle and did not apply as well or last as long. I didn’t realize they would go bad like that. Disappointing.
        For the price, I expected to use the entire package.

        I might get some L&F wraps at this great sale price and give them another chance.

        1. Hi! With the Color Street strips, you need an airtight seal like with a hair straightener on the package. Other people store extra strips in a baggie in the freezer, then you just need to warm them up before applying. Hope that helps you get a second use out of your strips if you try again 🙂

      2. I am assuming this article was 2020 based on Covid comments. It is 2023 and I am just starting to see pop up advertisements for L&F. I used to use CS before Covid but got sick and didn’t keep up. I started using imPRESS nails and have LOVED them! Everyone asks me which salon I go to! They are way less than the price of CS and if my nails are short I can have long, medium, coffin shaped, short, etc. After I get the longer on they are okay but I prefer the short. My current nails have been on 13 days and look the same as when put on and are the short ones. I have had the longer ones break on my middle nail twice now. I am now very curious about trying L&F and seeing if my nails will grow out underneath. I have used NailAid Total Cure 9 in 1 and wonder if that would work as a base coat and be doing two jobs at once? I also use a quick dry top coat so that wouldn’t be a problem. For now S&H and the prices, I am considering getting a few sets for the Spring. I LOVE you doing the work and letting us know as well as sharing photos! TY

        1. We haven’t used imPRESS before. I’m always worried about press-on nails popping off. And my nails grow long on their own so that’s why Lily and Fox works well for me. We have also tried dashing diva regular wraps and gel nails and both work great if you want other options.

    1. I’ve used quite a few Lily and Fox wraps and always seemed to have good luck. Two brandsI don’t like are Dashing Diva cause they want to come off in the pool and Nailfordable cause they seem to be brittle and don’t last at all.

  2. I have problems with the nail strips bubbling up. I did contact Lily and Fox about this, and they advised using a base coat, and waiting a few hours before applying a top coat. So I tried that. This last time I waited a couple of days before applying the top coat. Shortly after applying the top coat, my nail strips started bubbling up. I used Opi top coat. I read where they recommend Sally Hansen Mega Shine Top Coat, so will purchase some of it and see if it makes a difference.

    1. I never did a base coat but I did the top coat and it kept the nails from bubbling so hopefully a good top coat like the Sally Hansen one will help.

  3. Just tried Lily and Fox for the first time. I bought them for the price, of course. I must admit I have been a huge Color Street fan for a couple years now. I don’t like the feeling of the Lily and Fox strips – they are definitely NOT made of nail polish. I found them harder to get off the backing strip than other brands. I think the thing that annoyed me the most was the lack of perforation at the top of the strip. If you want to turn the strips around to use the other end of it, you have to use scissors to cut it. As far as application goes, they were ok. They are definitely narrow, I found myself having to go up a size or two for each nail. You cannot do the “pinch and pull” technique for applying them, they are definitely too thick and just stretch instead of being able to break them off or pinch them against a thumbnail. They feel very much like vinyl to me, reminiscent of a nail strip from the late 90’s that you had to use a heat gun to get to stick to your nails (I HATED those!). All in all, for the price, they’re ok. I would definitely buy a bunch and hand them over to my tween girl and her friends for a nail party before I’d spend $15 per set on other brands. There was definitely shrinkage, especially with a top coat applied. Lots of cute designs although they are not as crisp at CS. For $2.99 I’ll give them a thumbs up, but you get what you pay for. For me, I’ll stick with CS.

  4. Hi

    I want to thank you all for the Lily & Fox reviews. I hadn’t heard of them before today and searched for some reviews in case it wasn’t a legitimate company. It seems ok so I have ordered 3 sets. I live in the U.K. and have to order from the Australian site, so it will take quite a while for them to get here. I couldn’t believe the price, it was £5.97 for 3 sets including postage! That’s about $7.90. Hopefully I’ll remember to come back and review them.

    Color Street doesn’t send their products to the U.K. so I couldn’t compare them.

    Best wishes from the U.K.

  5. I saw the Lily and Fox on Facebook and thought I would check them out. I actually ordered a few sets for holidays and some for regular occasions. The first set I applied seemed to be ok but then I went golfing on a very hot day and it was like my nails were melting! It was horrible. I really didn’t like the fact that they were not as easy to peel off the access like Color Street. Also the holiday ones that I ordered were dried out by the time I used them – probably about three months but I had never unsealed them. Bottom line is that they 5 sets I had left were trashed and I went back to Color Street. You get what you pay for in my opinion. It was worth a try.

  6. I am a Lily and Fox lover!! I have always gone to the salon to have my nails done, but with covid I found l&f on Facebook and for $2.99 and free shipping, I thought why not. I have had 1 set that bubbled and I always do my nail prep the same way so maybe just an issue with that design. I carry extras in my purse and give away when people ask about my nails. At $2.99 why not!! The customer service and little extras are a perk!!

  7. Has anyone ever tried a clear gel topcoat and cured with an led light? My nails are thin and weak without the gel polish and wondered if this was an option. Thanks!

    1. I’ve only ever used a regular top coat so I’m not sure. Hopefully someone else reading might have an answer for you.

    2. This is how I generally use Lily & Fox when I have the time and space to be a little more girly at the vanity. Base coat, strip, gel top coat, UV for 60 seconds. I am ROUGH on my nails and this process gives me over a week. I get tired of designs before that.

      Another reason I love L&F; so many designs, I have a backup library of designs for any holiday. LOL

      **FYI, my “splurge” brand is Dashing Diva and they sell on their website a base coat that strengthens nails and prevents the nail from pulling off too much. L&F doesn’t pull as much as DD, but it’s still a nice precaution to take.

    3. I have the same issue. Someone recommended Hard as Hoof and that has helped greatly. It’s an extreme moisturizer I put on my nail beds right before bed.

  8. I would love to see you do a review of Rarity Nails. They are a bit higher priced than Lily and Fox, a bit lower than Color Street, and they have tons of pretty designs. I haven’t used Lily and Fox yet (plan to try them out after seeing this) – but I have used both Rarity and Color Street and I find Rarity better. They are also a bit thicker, but for me personally they last several days longer than Color Street do and do not start chipping at the tips like CS almost always does for me after about a week.

  9. I have used both Color Street & Lily & Fox. The Lily & Fox are thicker and do take a little more effort to put on, but they tend to do better for me. The Color Street are so thin that I have a hard time getting them to cover all the way to the tip of my nail. I end up with a chunk out of the tip of my mail every single time. I don’t have this problem with the Lily & Fox. I use a top coat on both companies nails and have never had a bubble problem with either.

  10. I have used both Color Street and Lily and Fox, I immediately fell in love with Lily and Fox, the price is amazing and the designs are adorable!! There’s one problem that’s a bit annoying. With color street, when they do a design with like, Santa, at the bottom of the nail that’s the like, base of the nail, they aren’t double-sided, so if you were to use the other sides, Santa’s ‘beard’ is now just a white nail. But other than that, they’re great! Make sure you do let them sit for awhile. In my experience, if you leave them for under at least 3 hours then, wash your hands or something, they do fall off, but of you leave them alone and let them cure, they’re durable and wonderful! I do like that they’re a bit thicker then Color Street, because I’ve always felt like maybe Color Street’s were pretty see through, which isn’t that big a deal, but overall, I definitely prefer Lily and Fox!

  11. I have ordered several times from Lily and Fox. I get compliments on my nails daily! Every single order included a free “practice set”. I have been having a tiny issue with getting a good seal around the cuticle and sides. they have been lifting a bit… I find I keep smoothing them down. I believe it is more to do with my nail prep than an issue with the strips. A couple things I have figured out – some designs are hand-specific. I had a beautiful glitter set that is kind of striped. It would’ve been better had I paid attention and had the stripes all going the same way on the same hand – but no one even noticed! Also, I would rather had any detail design in the middle of the wrap, without any discernable top or bottom.. so no matter how long or short my nails are, the design will still fit in the middle and not be upside down, or cut off the end. Overall, I LOVE Lily and Fox. I probably have a 6 month supply onhand!

    1. I LOVE Lily and Fox!
      I never use a base coat or a top coat and I get close to 3 weeks!! I can’t see the point in messing with polish to top them…first it doesn’t need it and defeats purpose of strips. I have never had them bubble. I keep my nails shorter so I can get 2 mains out of my $2.99 set…win win for me!
      Their customer service is great for asking questions.
      I have never had an edge get caught in my hair or anywhere… did I just rhyme?
      I love the glitter nails! The Koi is cute too! So many compliments! As far as too narrow…use a wider one and trim it to fit!

      I did use color street….once…did French tips…so difficult to do on myself. I do not like them I have a whole set and can’t give away! Plus it took forever to remove them when done.
      I love the ease of peeling Lily and Fox off and using alcohol to clean up.

  12. I noticed at the time of your post you mentioned Lily and Fox only had 2 pages of designs but they now (Dec 2021) have 11 pages! I just ordered my first few sets (before reading your post) and am excited to see how I like them. For the price–plus free shipping–it’s not the end of the world if I don’t care for them, but hope I will!

    1. Thanks for letting me know Tasha. I’ve been wanting to try them out again and update the post so I’ll definitely do that soon. I hope they work out for you!

  13. I was introduce to color street my a family friend and I loved them. I took a short break from using them and when I went to using them again I found the quality was not the same. The strips were thinner and would stretch really bad and bubbles under the solid colors, and would not cover the lines on my nails even if I buffed them some. I was on Facebook and came across lily and fox. I’m a big fan. The price is awesome. The strips barely stretch if at all so they go on nice with out losing shape. Nails are smooth on top. I actually think lily and fox have an awesome selection to choose from. Color street is usually sold out or discontinuing my favs all the time. I’m glad I read this review. I’m going to try the clear coat for the extra shine. They do seem to dull if you rub them a lot to secure them well. But for 2.99 it’s ok. I also think lily and fox fit my nails a lot better and I’m ok with wrapping them over the edge of my nail to file off I was already doing that with color street just to have a better finish.

    1. Thanks for sharing your experience with us, Jamie. It’s great to hear from someone who’s used both Color Street and Lily and Fox.

  14. I can’t get them to adhere … they come right off … way to thick to mold to nail. . . Wasted money because I now have a bunch I can’t use

    1. Try cleansing the nail really well or using a base coat, its possible some oils on your nail bed are causing this issue!

  15. I’ve tried both too – the price for the Lily & Fox is so appealing! But they aren’t wide enough for my nails…I always have a small sliver of nail showing and it’s drives me nuts when I wash my hair and hair gets caught in that ridge. I wish they made them just a tad wider. Quality wise, the only time I had an issue was during a summer hot spell, they seemed ‘sticky’. I never had problems with bubbling. I don’t use top or base coats, for me, that defeats the purpose of a quick and easy manicure. But the width thing is going to make me stay with Color Street. I did buy some clear overlays from Color Street to put on top of the remaining Lily & Fox sets – they are $11 per set and I believe have two full sets, so not a $3 manicure, maybe more like $9.

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