Meet Katie
Hola! My name is Katie and I love Dr. Pepper. No but really. Seems like an odd thing to declare right off the bat but really Dr. Pepper makes me happy. Oh and cheese. Cheese is amazing! If I could live off of cheese and Dr. Pepper I totally would. I also love anything hot. Flaming Hot Cheeto’s and a Dr. Pepper were my go-to lunch in high school almost every day. True Story.

Anyways. I am a fun loving girl who really isn’t actually that girly. My favorite color is black. The amount of plain black shirts in my wardrobe is just stupid, but I still buy them.
I am also a bargain shopper so I can’t pay more than $10 dollars a piece for them. The other day I went shopping and I bought 2 pair of shorts and 3 shirts for $63 dollars and it made me whole month.
I love thrift stores, craft stores and Target. I like my artsy mixed with a little bit of fartsy. Just don’t tell my mom I said fart because we weren’t allowed to say that word growing up. She still cringes when we say it in front of her as adults.
I grew up doing ballet, tap, jazz, hip hop, swing dancing, basketball, baseball and track. High school was when I got involved in theatre. I LOVE theatre. Oh and if you spell it theatre and not theater, it makes you more authentic.
I love skulls, spiders, and owls. Now I know you are rolling your eyes at me right now because EVERYONE loves owls. I started that, okay. You are welcome! I’ve loved owls from way back when the only place you could find them was at the thrift stores. My best friend and I would have to search all over the thrift store to find them.
I have always had a love for photography. My sister Kim and I were lucky enough to go to college together for a little bit. We actually would hold hands as we walked around campus sometimes. We got lots of strange looks….but that’s a story for another day.
We didn’t own a camera so we would buy disposable cameras and we would carry them around with us ALL of the time. The people who worked in the photo lab at our nearby Kmart ( that’s where we would develop them ) knew us by name.
One time we dropped off pictures and my mom went to pick them up for us and the old guy that worked there said, “Oh, you are Katie and Kim’s mom?” haha. We had no clue they knew our names and thought it a touch creepy actually. But it goes to show you how often we took pictures.
After I got married my husband loved to spoil me and he bought me my first digital camera. I fell hard core and have never recovered. Digital photography is the best!
I am excited to share some of my favorite photography tips. All of my photography knowledge was learned from the internet and just trying things. I will be sharing lots of different photography ideas and technics with you through the blog.
How to Take a Better Selfie
Tea Cup Group Photo Shoot & Tips
I am a crazy crafter. I love making things. I walk around stores taking pictures of things because surely I can make it better and for cheaper.
My “things to craft” list grows increasingly bigger every day and this blog will be a fun way to keep me busy crafting and sharing my projects.
Free Cat Butt Potholders Crochet Pattern
Easy Mason Jar Cozy | Free Crochet Pattern
Reusable Face Scrubbies | Free Crochet Pattern
Crafts aren’t the only things I like to make. Over the years I have gotten into making my own lotions, deodorant, soaps, face scrubs, things like this. I try to be green where I can, but not be annoying about it.
DIY Dry Shampoo for Light & Dark Hair
DIY Natural Bug Repellent & Anti-Itch Relief Roller
Easy DIY Facial Sugar Scrub for Glowing Skin
I am a runner. I LOVE running but I equally like food so I’m not fit by any means. I love singing, and will sing loudly even when I can’t hit the right notes. I love pretty much all types of music except polka but I am sure there is even one song out there I would enjoy.
I love anything cheetah print. The obsession started when I was 11 or 12 and now that I am a grown up I just look for classier cheetah stuff, if that even exists. I love romantic comedies. If a movie makes me cry I will love it.
I like rain and sunsets and the sky. There are so many pictures of the sky on my phone it’s nuts. We used to make fun of my mom every Sunday because she would say how beautiful it was a million times before we made it to church. Now I’m her.
In fact I also sew like my mother did and a few years ago I got a pair of fabulous sewing scissors and wrote FABRIC ONLY on them, which is something my mother did. I also got her red hair which I absolutely love.
As far as sewing goes I am mostly addicted to sewing purses but occasionally I sew fun things for my kids. These are some of the things I will be bringing to our blog. I love making things for my kids that make them happy and put a smile on their face. Crafting should be fun and benefit others as well as yourself. I will be sharing LOTS of crafts with y’all.
Oh yeah, I live in Texas so I say things like y’all and fixin’. I didn’t grow up here but once I lived in Texas and went back to my home State of California, I was dying to get back to Texas. Texas is just a different state of mind. Hard to explain until you have lived here but I truly love it and everyone who lives here.
I used to blog several years ago. When my kids started school I just got out of the habit. I have missed it so. Blogging for me is about sharing and making others happy, wether that be through crafting, photography, or just being silly.
I fully believe in being %100 honest. I don’t like to sugar coat things and I don’t like to pretend I am someone I’m not. I am no where near perfect and I never plan to be. My house is a mess half of the time and we eat frozen burritos or Ramen a lot. Like, a LOT, a lot.
But I try really hard to be a good Mom, a good wife, a good friend, a good person and a good listener. I’m excited at the opportunity to get to know you and to try and help you in your day to day life in any way possible.
My family is the best! My husband and I have been together for 14 years now. The first half of our marriage he traveled ALL THE TIME and we hardly got to see each other. It was hard, especially with little kids.
Now that he doesn’t travel any more we love spending time at home. I feel like maybe we are too boring but truth be told we would rather just stay at home and hang out together most of the time.
We have two kids. One boy who just turned 12 and a girl who is about to turn 9. I am not sure how or when my kids got old, but they did. They both do karate and love doing that.
As a family we love music. We listen to it all of the time and are often singing. I love to introduce my kids to music from when I was a kid. I try and teach them the names of the bands too. I love it and they seem to enjoy it too.
My kids are both VERY smart. They do not get that from me. Haha. It’s all from their dad who is going to school right now to get his doctorate while he works full time and started a business with his brothers. Basically he is an over achiever. I am an underachiever but I’m totally okay with that.